The nine minute promo debuted on Thursday night and has already been viewed 12,170,080 times.
Directed by Jonas Akerlund and inspired by Quentin Tarantino films, Lady Gaga strips naked, kisses a woman, swears like a trouper and goes on the run with her "honey bee" Beyoncé in the outrageous video.
YouTube user vansrockz raved: "12,170,080 views! Just in 3 days, thats amazing! I love the details in this videos like the costumes, cameos, dancing, and Lady GaGa's raw facial expressions!"
Another Hayeslad06 said: "It's great to see an artist finally taking the time out to actually make interesting video's instead of the boring repetitive dancing to a white background shit we see of late!"
"Lady GaGa is showing the world that the music video is not dead, and I wish more artists would take note."
"Its a shame the likes of Madonna, who once revolutionized the music video, have now resorted to making cheap crap and just expect their fans to be happy with it! What happened to artists taking pride in their work? "
Susan Boyle's Britain's Got Talent performance is one of YouTube's most watched music clips with 89 million views since last year while OK Go's Here it Goes Again has had 50 million views over the past three years.
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